Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 029. 29/02/3302 - Reporting For Combat Duty.

29 Feb 2016Beachwalker
It's been a long day/night. 11 hrs straight. I can't feel my arse any more.
Spent the first hour or so buying and fitting out my new combat ship. Went for a Cobra Mk.III. I believe it was a good choice.

I couldn't find any ringed planets nearby with REZ zones so I jumped a few systems and hung around the nav. beacon as I believe that's the thing to do.
The first couple went off without a hitch. So I headed to the station to claim my prize, then headed back again. My next kill was easy mark too. But then, I made a rookie. error. I was scanning every ship to ensure they were wanted. I never bothered that he was extremely dangerous and flying a gunship. Unfortunately, even with all my shields and armour, he made quick work of me.
I was about to call it quits and start heading for Cubeo but I thought I'd give it one more go.  I'd picked up a couple of bounty missions in the previous system so I thought I'd have a fly around for a while. Over the next few hours I picked up a few more bounties, had a few get away. Each time returning to dock to reclaim the credits.
Time to head back, so I set course for the beacon one last time, just curious, and manage to get myself 3 more bounties. Nearly 100,00 credits. Need to bank these, so back to the station, and then I'll go home, via the beacon of course. Just one more time, I promise myself. Back at the beacon, and a swarm of ships to scan. Lots of them clean, then I discover one that is coming up as ENEMY, it's in red. so why not. He was tough, took a while but managed it in the end. All for the Empire!
One of my last ones was a wanted, DEADLY, Cobra IV. I think for about 5 seconds then open fire. We must have been at it for about 30 minutes, pretty evenly match, until I finally started making some head way. I finally started to break through his shields and do some damage. Another 15/20 minutes and it was over.
Finally, after 4 bounties this trip, I decide to head home, trying to keep my eyes open and focused. I manage to dock, check my bounties and find my best haul yet. Just over 200,000 CR. I know it might not seem much to you, and I' myself have earned a lot more trading, but for me, it was a good haul.
Now I'm going to park the Cobra up and go back to trading for a few nights. This bounty hunting is playing havoc with my nerves!
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︎2 Shiny!
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