Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 031. 03/03/3302 - Knighted at last.

03 Mar 2016Beachwalker
It's been a hectic couple of days, but I've finally made it.
Firstly, my Imperial promotion to Knight (you can all call me Sir Beachwalker from now on)
Secondly, I'm now allied with the Empire.
And finally, and most importantly, I finally got payback on Kumo Crew Watch. They have been plaguing me for the last couple of weeks. But, finally I said, enough, you can only push a man so far before he starts to push back. Anyway, that Vulture sure did glow well in the dark.
He almost managed to take me with him. He damaged my cargo scoop and I couldn't retract it. 238 days to the nearest station was just a bit too far. Good news is that from a little help from a friend, I managed to get it fixed and get on my way.
Anything else that happened after that is inconsequential and not worth mentioning.
So. . . . . .tomorrow is another day, and I have another promotion to start working on. A lowly trader's work is never done.

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︎0 Shiny!
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