Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 033. 06/03/3302 - A Big Thanks

06 Mar 2016Beachwalker
It's been a long couple of days flying backwards and forwards working on fortifying systems in the Empire. But it's working, I think.
Also done a bit of trading in between and also the odd mission. Still have to work towards my next promotion.
The Advanced discovery scanner is paying for itself as well. Those credits just keep rolling in.

On a sad note, I'd like to finish by thanking all those Sidewinder, Cobra, Eagle and Adder pilots, who sacrificed themselves in the knowledge that I might be a little richer and also to help me improve my combat rating. If I've missed anyone out, I do apologize, And for those that chickened out towards the end, I'll see you next time.
Thank you and good night!
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