Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 037. 13/03/3302 - Seeing Red!

13 Mar 2016Beachwalker
I finally lost it today! My temper, that is!
It all started pretty good. I was making some decent profit running missions. I even completed my first surface mission. Something of an achievement. Then it all went wrong. I don't know why, It just did.
I was planet side, just about to take off. I hit the launch button. . . . . and nothing happened. No thrusters. . . . Lights start flashing, warnings appear to clear the launch pad, and I can't get the damn thrusters to work.
That's where all my profit for the day went up in smoke.
I worked damn hard for that money, not much by many peoples standards, but a small fortune for me.
The way things are going, I'll never get that upgrade.
Start again. Pick up some cargo and head for home. . . Cubeo, Medupe City. Safe and secure.
I finally arrived home, with what little profit I could manage. I was frustrated. I was MAD!
Eventually, I parked up the Asp, and jumped in the Cobra. I needed to get something out of my system. RAGE!
I needed to take it out on something or someone. God help anyone who got in my way.
Setting course for the nav beacon, I was in no mood for a long flight.
It started off pretty quiet but eventually ships started to appear. Now for payback.
In less than an hour I had a pretty good haul of bounties. Anger sure does make me aggressive. I don't think anyone even landed a shot on me.
It won't make up for lost earnings, but it sure did feel good.

It did feel good to get back in the Cobra. And my combat skills are improving slowly.
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︎0 Shiny!
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