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CMDRs Log 038. 14/03/3302 - A little bit of everything!

14 Mar 2016Beachwalker
It's been a full day today. I think I've managed to do just about everything you can do.

Started off with a little bounty hunting around Nav Beacons. Pickings were small, but every little helps. It's also boosting my combat rating too. I must admit that I still love to fly my Cobra Mk.3. Providing I stay away from the big boys, I know I'm usually safe.
After returning to Cubeo, I jumped in my trusty Asp Explorer. Picked up a few missions, topped off with cargo and set off on a long jaunt.
(I say long, just over 100 Ly is long for me). I did that for a while, until the missions started thinning out, then headed for home base, Phiagre.
I've be toying with the idea of a proper mining setup, so I thought I'd give it a try.
I ended up going for another Asp Explorer, pure mining setup. I'm trying to learn from previous attempts, so went with a bigger refinery. Also increased the cargo size by reducing the shield spec. Once I was happy with it, I went in search of some metallic rings.
Just a few jumps and I was in amongst to rocks.
Even with collector limpets, it's still like a proper job. Within a couple of hours, I had a full load and headed off to market to sell my goods.
All in, I collected 91 tons. More than my last attempt, but unfortunately, not as profitable. Mostly mineral, with a few metals thrown in. Just shy of 200,000 Cr. Either I need to find pristine sources or get a bigger ship. Or both. By the end of that trip, I needed a break. Never worked so hard for so little.
Once I was empty, I headed back to Phiagre, and swapped ships again. I'm going to keep the mining Asp for now, although I don't know when I'll get back to it. At least I've got an excuse to return to the port.
Back in my original Asp, I decide to head back to Cubeo. I need to do my bit for the Empire and Aisling Duval. Just over 100 Ly. so I might as well do a bit of trading along the way. Pickings are thin, but I make it back with at least a profit.
It's get late (or early) so one final run to deliver media, plus a bit of cargo and then return.
That's the hardest 2.5 million I've ever earned. With any luck I should be able to get my Clipper in a week or so. (still working on my promotion, last one).
So, that's bounty hunting, missions, trading (with a bit of smuggling on the side) and mining. Not forgetting all the exploration data I've been picking up along the way. Didn't have any time for salvage work or surface missions, maybe next time.
Tomorrow, I think I'll take it easy for a change. This is getting to be too much like a permanent job.
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︎2 Shiny!
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