Logbook entry

CMDRs Log 039. 16/03/3302 - Phew!

16 Mar 2016Beachwalker
It's been a tough couple of days!
I've got my eye on a Clipper, the only thing holding me back is my rank. So, for the last couple of days, I've gone mad for missions.
I've still done a bit of trading and smuggling, together with the exploration data collecting, add on quite a few bounties for the fools that thought they could take me on. I'm building up quite a fund for all those little extras she'll require.
The highlight of this last session, was taking on a 'conda. That was tough, but I won in the end. It's a big ship, and makes a big bang.
Also, managed to bag myself a dropship bounty too. This one could have been tougher, but the fool wasn't shielded. In the end, I just kept pounding him with my multi-cannons and beam lasers.
Just another 32% and I'll be sitting pretty in an almost new Imperial Clipper. I think I might hold on to the Asp, she's served me well. But, I think I might have to get rid of my mining Asp just to help cover costs.
I was considering selling everything and buying myself a Python. Unfortunately, I wouldn't have enough to fit her out Anyway, I think the Clipper is the one for me.
So, a few more days to go before my promotion (I hope they don't throw a party). Then I think I'll take it easy for a while.
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︎1 Shiny!
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