Logbook entry

CMRDs Log 041 20/03/3302 - New Ship Day

20 Mar 2016Beachwalker
My promotion finally came through. I just couldn't wait and went out and picked up a nice, shiny, gleaming, sleek Imperial Clipper. It almost broke the bank, but it's worth it. She's still not completely up to spec, but I'm getting there. Just need some BIGGER guns.

The first time I heard those engines, I fell in love. The boost is like music to my ears.
I know she's not perfect. She's big, handles like a bus. But I believe with a little, or a lot, of practice, we can handle most situations together.

It took a while before I could come up with a name for her. I finally settled on "UMBRA CURSOR" (Shadow Runner). I don't know why, but it sounded right. I just need to get her a new coat to suit her name.

So, I've parked the Asp in the Phiagre System, and will eventually get round to fitting her out for deep space exploration. And I've taken the new girl down to Cubeo. I still need to get my hands on those prismatic shields. Hopefully. in a week or two, we'll be able to handle most of her suitors without too much trouble.

We had a couple or run-ins today. Her first was unbelievable. A Viper interdicted us. I got her turned round to face it, and before I could pull the trigger, the Viper ran straight into us and exploded. The shields held and not a scratch on her. If only they were all that easy.

Tomorrow is another day. More practice and more work. At least I can do it in comfort now.
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︎2 Shiny!
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