Logbook entry

CMRDs Log 042 20/03/3302 - Back to work!

20 Mar 2016Beachwalker
Looking back, not too bad a day.
It's my first full day running missions and trading in Shadow Runner. It makes a hell of a difference with double the cargo space.
She's fast, and sounds sooo sweet. I do miss the long jump range of the Asp though.

I did end up including a fuel scoop. On those long trip, it's no good having to stop off somewhere to refuel. But it does have it's drawbacks, as I found out to my cost today.
I was interdicted quite a few times, and had a go at all, except the Pythons. Luckily, all I have to do is boost when I see one on my tail.
Anyway, this Cobra jumps me just as I'm finishing off refuelling. It put up quite a fight, but we were too close to the star and I had warning lights flashing all over the place. I finished him off but not before incurring several thousands worth of damage.

Next time, I was jumped my another clipper and started to run. Unfortunately, it managed to drop my shields and start causing more damage. Lost quite a bit of cargo before I could escape. Again, the star made it more difficult to escape. I was down to 32% hull. That was very expensive.

Still, it was a profitable day, just over 4 mil at the end. I just need enough to get my A6 power plant, then I'm sure all will be well.

Start my new job tomorrow, so will be having shorter trips out.
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︎0 Shiny!
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