Logbook entry

CMRDs Log 045 11/04/3302 - Confirming my weekness!

11 Apr 2016Beachwalker
Mission Robigo. . . . .
Another failure. Thought I'd try a different tactic and try silent running. Got interdicted after my first jump. So, hit silent and released a heat sinc. I lost a bit of hull plating but managed to get away successfully. Not doing my nerves any good.
Anyway, I managed the next half dozen jumps without any problem. Then, wham! interdicted again. This time by pirates. As I'm trying to avoid these, an Authority vessel sneaks up on me and it's FAIL, FAIL, FAIL, etc., etc.

Fortunately, I'd stocked up on courier missions too, so it wasn't a total waste.
My final run, I just picked up legit missions, as I didn't want to be coming back to pay the fines. Still ended up with a decent profit, just over 15 mil for the weekend. Almost a million of that was cartographic data. . . . 152 systems worth. Plus promotion to Pathfinder.

The worse part of the trip was picking up a bounty on myself.
I was interdicted by an Alliance vessel and he opened up on me. Honest, officer, he fired the first shot. I was just defending myself.
At least he won't be making that mistake again.

Anyway, back to the grind now. See if I can make some legit money. At least with my promotions, I should have a better choice of missions now.
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︎2 Shiny!
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