Logbook entry

From Employee to Friend (Collab with Kazuko)

17 Aug 2021Kezika
((True date: 09-30-3305))((Link to Kazuko's perspective: https://inara.cz/cmdr-logbook/244161/62658/))

Kezika had some cargo runs needing completed for some of the C.E.A. Psychiatric facilities. Keen as usual to give work opportunities to patients within the societal reintegration programs at her facilities she opened a work order to have a patient do the inventory verification process on her cargo Cutter, the Arcus.

The patient had been transferred up to Alfven Orbital from a facility on Keltim A 5, and was residing in a crew quarters during transport over to Laveykin Orbital in Tau-3 Eridani. However, due to some unforseen circumstances in the cargo loading area, the cargo loader bots were tied up loading another ship and causing a long wait for Arcus to get serviced. Dock officers had advised Kezika that it would be at least a few more house before they would be able to load their cargo.

"Xavier, if you could please have the chef prepare some Fujin Tea and prepare a charcuterie board from our selection of premium Earth pork for our guest, I shall go bring them up," Kezika requested of her ship's butler, Xavier Hampton, who rushed off towards the ship kitchen.

Kezika meanwhile grabbed her tablet and headed down the elevator to the ship's cargo hold, tapping at it to give a quick few tidbits of information about the temp-worker that the hospital had sent to her.

'Ah, slavery rehab patient... Kazuko Himura,' Kezika noted to herself as she walked into the cargo hold and immediately spotted them, sitting back against a cargo rack taking a short rest.

"Are you Kazuko Himura?" she asked, tapping off her datapad's screen.

"I am," Kazuko stated, "are the dock workers here? Is there anything I can do while I wait for them if they're not?"

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm CMDR Kezika, care to come up to the CMDR quarters for some Fujin Tea and charcuterie, while we wait?" she offered.

Kazuko gave a curious look in response, but after a moment responded, "Y-yeah, sure. Lead the way."

Kezika showed Kazuko the way to the CMDR quarter, showing her in towards the dining table Xavier had set up in the few minutes Kezika had been away. Kezika motioned to an open seat, which Kazuko sat at.

Prompt and on cue as always, Xavier gracefully swept by, setting down the larger charcuterie tray for Kazuko and pouring her a Fujin Tea, as well as one for Kezika. While Kazuko took a small sip from the tea for a moment. Kezika subtly heard a stomach growl from Kazuko as her guest spied the tray.

"Feel free to eat as much as you would like," she stated, "I had my chef prepare it just for you since we'll be here for a while waiting for this starport's cargo loaders to get to us. In the meantime, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?" she asked as Xavier came back with the smaller charcuterie tray for Kezika.

"Me?" Kazuko asked, between mouthfuls of food, "I play a lot of games, I guess. Been taking a liking to the ones set up in the facility's entertainment rooms. NOt to mention the puzzle box I've had for quite some time."

Kezika internally chuckled at Kazuko's excitement to the food, "Ah, yes, the Jaradharre Puzzle Box, exquisite programming on those," Kezika mused, "Any specific games in the entertainment system you're interested in?" she followed up, partially curious about the guest's interests as well as gathering feedback on the games, since Kezika hand selected some of the games available in those rooms.

"Anything that allows me to explore. Lately I've been playing a space flight simulator!" Kaz exclaimed, her eyes having lit up with excitement remembering the hours she spent engrossed in that particular game.

"Ah, so you find pilotiong ships enjoyable? Have you given any consideration into it as a profession when complete with the reintegration program?" Kezika asked, Kazuko visibly excited by the question.

"I have! I've always wanted to see what was out there. I've spent so long in just one place, I want to travel, I want to fly to new places! On my own terms, too! It's like the ultimate form of freedom!" Kazuko responded, extremely excitedly.

'Ah, really excited about space travel too, perhaps she could make a good CMDR herself,' Kezika thought about that response, "Nice, well I can see about potentially getting you set up to attend the Pilot's Federation Academy in Matet after you are discharged from your current program." she replied, after a moment of thought.

Kazuko was clearly trying to hold back tears, so Kezika gave her some time to not get overly excitable and enjoy her food. After finishing a few more cuts of meat Kazuko said something again, "Sorry about that... Got a bit too excited there," she said, blushing rose with embarassment.

"Oh! Excitement is wonderful! Any other games you enjoy? I personally enjoy some of the vintage World War Interim Era games," Kezika asked, to gauge other interests.

"I think the other games I enjoy are from that era? A lot of old role-playing games that allowed you to connect with other people using something called 'The Internet"," Kazuko replied.

The conversation went on, taking various turns for a while, with Kazuko finishing off the charcuterie board. After a few hours Xavier popped back into the quarters, "Ma'am, the cargo loaders have reported loading completion," he stated, speaking to Kezika.

"Guess that means I have to head back," Kazuko stated, turning to Kezika, "It was nice meeting you."

'She seems nice and personable, would be good to stay in touch with this one,' Kezika thought, grabbing a small electronic card from her pocket, "Ah yes indeed, and I must get the ship ready to launch and head back to Keltim, here is my contact card for you to keep in touch with," Kezika stated, holding out the card she grabbed a moment ago.

"Thanks! I'll keep in touch!" Kazuko exclaimed, taking the card and heading out of the CMDR quarters.

Kezika then headed to the bridge and waited for the green light that all ordered cargo was properly loaded before requesting liftoff, and heading back to Alfven Orbital in Keltim.
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