Logbook entry

Jellyfish Nebula Speedrun: Log 1

26 Jul 2019CrazyGolm
This is CMDR CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency.

In order to gain the trust of a known research scientist, the famous Professor Palin, so that he can tweak my thrusters significantly beyond civilian limits, I must first earn reputation as an explorer.

Apparently that means I have to go 5000Ly out from my starting point...so that's what I'm going to do.

I have chosen the Jellyfish Nebula as a destination. Jellyfish Sector HW-W c1-16 is 5083 Ly from LHS 3447.
Thus I believe that if I reach this system, located on the far side of the nebula, I will have fulfilled Palin's requirements.

Being previously stationed in the Pleiades, I will embark from Agricola's Ascent, Pleiades Sector DL-Y D65, therefore my route for this journey is just shy of 4700 Ly.

My trusty Asp Explorer, the Photo Bomber Mk2, has a current jump range of 58.97Ly. Onboard this vessel I am bringing a full complement of exploration equipment, including a SRV bay, a Surface Scanner, three heatsink launchers and two 2A Auto Field-Maintenance Units. Additionally, I can carry 8T of cargo should I discover anything of interest in deep space.

Even with this vessel, the journey there shall be eighty-two jumps, and presumably that again for the return jouney.

I intend to do this as quickly as possible, hence the 'speedrun'.

I might end up taking it more slowly, though.
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︎0 Shiny!
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