Logbook entry

Jellyfish Nebula Speedrun: Log 2

26 Jul 2019CrazyGolm
I decided that I may as well set off from Agricola's Ascent immediately.

The first system I jumped into was still in the Pleiades. I found a NHSS, which was spoopy. Suffice to say, the Thargoids still have their beachhead here, even if they're also in the Witch Head Nebula.

Soon, though, the Pleiades gave way to good old-fashioned deep space, the real unknown, where I made good progress.

It dawned on me that this journey will be the furthest I will have ever been from home so far.

I fear I'm beginning to develop space madness. I scanned an ice world, Synuefe PR-W C4-0 5 A, and I think I heard voices in its audible signature. Maybe I need to scan less, jump more, especially if I want to do an actual speedrun.

I've parked in Synuefe KQ-Y c3-0 for now. 70 jumps left, so I've covered a good amount of ground so far.
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︎0 Shiny!
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