Logbook entry

Jellyfish Nebula Speedrun: Log 4

31 Jul 2019CrazyGolm
"Speedrun"? What was I thinking?

I've covered a lot of distance today.

I've realized that I might be doing a few more than 82 jumps out here, because when I replot the route it might be slightly different. Ah well.

This session I decided to hurry up a bit, so I'm not scanning as many systems. I did manage to find a nice carbon dioxide water world. I was the first to map its surface, but I've left its moon for someone else to map.
Because I bumped into another brown dwarf (or something that looked like one), my hull is down to 97% and my reactor 96% health.

Hopefully I do not explode.

On another note, I've got my name on the galaxy map (unless someone else beats me to it). I found a number of systems in which everything (excluding the star in some) was undiscovered.

I think I'm able to see the Jellyfish Nebula now. I'm 3614Ly from where I started this journey, and I'm just under 1085 Ly away from my destination, which is only 20 jumps away!

(Unless, of course, my ship plans a different route )
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︎0 Shiny!
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