Logbook entry

Crazy's Log: 19th June 3306

19 Jun 2020CrazyGolm
Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency checking in.

They say space is really big, and most of the time the Bubble feels like it. There's always small pockets of space where you're the only one. But now that pilots can buy Fleet Carriers, which flood into hotspot systems and generally pop up everywhere, the galaxy's gonna feel a whole lot smaller.

Life on the frontier is as busy as you make it. The recent diamond rush has seen loads of commanders flocking to New Borann, a triple hotspot location outside the Bubble. With this comes the threat of outlaws - or an excellent opportunity to round 'em up, depending on your outlook.

I have made quite a substantial sum of money in the diamond mining industry. I'm proud of how I've been able to break my haulage records. Not Carrier territory yet, but I'm not in a hurry to get one. Prospecting in the rings can be slightly space-madness-inducing, but the view can be breathtaking if you take a step back. The rays of light shine brilliantly in the gaps between rocks (much like beams of sunlight breaking thorugh the clouds on an overcast day for you landlubbers).

In terms of inter-factional politics, I'm not sure if the Code-SPEAR war has fizzled out yet or if it's still going on. Basically, a while back the guys at SPEAR decided they'd had enough of the Code, and that they'd evict them from Orrere.
(Given the pirates'/gankers' previous malicious campaigns of false accusations against the SPEAR navy, not to mention general toxicity and maliciousness, this was an appropriate response.)

Code responded by calling their allies to the region, and the war kicked off good and proper. I meant to get into the fighting, but I ended up staying out - perhaps for my own good as those guys can be nasty. Apparently Code claim they won the war, but they'll always claim that.

On another note, the Agency's space has been being undermined by some as of yet unknown perpetrator. From what I know, it was worse earlier this year, right now it seems to only be stopping us reaching HIP 70253 instead of actively draining our influence. The search for our opponents so far has not been conclusive, though we have built bridges and good positive diplomatic relations with our neighbours after accusing them .

I've been a member of the IDA for over a year now. I've seen hands old and new alike come and go. At this point, I feel like a veteran. But I'm happy to be part of it. Over these strange few months, our community has stayed strong despite everything we've faced.

And for a substantial portion of my career, I wanted to fight back against the gankers and protect people from them. Now I'm able to.

Or at least, I'm learning on the job
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