Logbook entry

To New Shores: 27th July 3306

27 Jul 2020CrazyGolm
This is Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency.

A lot has happened, is happening, and probably will happen.

Long story short, I rejoined SPEAR. It was out of necessity when an IDA patrol combined with SPEAR armed forces. I found myself unhappy with some of the issues I found, such as its intensity. Not willing to leave a third time, and backed and encouraged by an old friend of mine who has recently joined the IDA, I decided to speak directly to Akuma Tebori about these things. He granted me an audience with the SPEAR council, and while it has been shaky and discouraging at times, I've made a difference .

Great things have happened. IDA promoted me to the rank of Councillor just today. As mentioned before, my old friend joined up and has integrated well into IDA. He can be a breath of fresh air at times, which is particularly good for SPEAR dealings. I get the idea that if SPEAR is the military, then IDA is a band of vigilante cowboys. At least, that's how it is in my head

Monumental things are happening even now. My fleet is currently secured aboard the SPEARCOM HQ battle-cruiser.
In less than an hour it will leave, and I with it, for Colonia. We'll cover a journey of many thousands of light years in less than twenty-four hours. This is all part of a planned operation with SPEAR to take the fight to gankers operating in the region. The situation is ambiguous; however by my understanding, beneath the banner of The Nameless, gankers have been scourging the region and threatening the entire sector with anarchy.  Hopefully these are indeed worthy targets. I'll see for myself soon, and I hope SPEAR doesn't wreck its own reputation as well as diplomacy on this frontier.

Upon reaching the colonial frontier, we will launch a two-week operation to rout the enemy gankers,

I will miss the Bubble, and it will miss me. My official line is that I am 'abroad on official business'. However, several of my close friends within the IDA are also coming with the operation, so I will be by no means alone.

To distant shores and fresh frontiers!
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