Logbook entry

INTO THE BLACK: 19th August 3006

19 Aug 2020CrazyGolm
This is Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency phoning in from deep space.

Well, here I am again.

I got involved with SPEAR's Colonia campaign, 'The Dark Far Out'. For the most part, it was a nice holiday.
The enemies rarely came out to fight, preferring to fight outside of game instead, so most of our campaign was BGS focused, though that proceeded to shut down. We had good fun co-operating and doing friendly fights, and Colonia is truly beautiful. I could retire there. Maybe I'll return one day, when all this is over.

Unfortunately, it was not without drama. There was plenty of that from the Reapers kicking up a fuss. I'll admit there were times when I didn't know who to trust, as situations seemed so up in the air. Am I gullible? Probably. Do I try to do what's right? More or less. What's the question? Pass.

I'm not happy with SPEAR as it stands. Maybe I'm wrong and will come round to it in time, but the stress and drama have come back. People (some very good) have been leaving, and attitudes have been changing, perhaps more to the extreme. I'm not sure if I want to be in the organisation at the moment, and none of it should matter as much as it does to me. I greatly prefer the IDA for its relaxed and warm atmosphere, something SPEAR often fails at.

So I decided to put some distance between myself and SPEAR. I hit the neutron highway to reach the galactic core on an exploration journey. I am currently docked at Explorer's Anchorage, 10,000Ly from Colonia and all the strife I've left behind. Once I am done here, I will return not to Colonia, but to the Bubble on an extensive voyage. This means I will leave my patrol fleet behind, however hopefully this gives me time and space to consider the situation, my options, and their potential consequences.

And to actually enjoy exploring the space around me.
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