Logbook entry

CHANGE OF PLAN: 20th August 3006

20 Aug 2020CrazyGolm
This is Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency.

I'm phoning in from the Field Support fleet carrier, stationed beside the Colonia Nebula, so you may not recognise my signature.

I have amended my plans. SPEARCOM, the carrier which stored my fleet, is liable to remain in Colonia for the remainder of SPEAR's operations. A good friend of mine contacted me while I was at the galactic centre to inform me that a civilian cruiser, the Field Support, would be embarking for the Bubble this weekend.

So, instead of voyaging from the core to the Bubble, I set out for Colonia once again to catch the Field Support ferry. I love hitchhiking, it's interesting stowing away with civilians. I wonder if I'll blend in.

Before leaving the core, I got to visit Sag A*. Additionally, I bought a set of suits from Explorer's Anchorage

I have decided to largely and quietly step back from active SPEAR work.

I should be returning to the Bubble tomorrow evening. I feel at a bit of a loose end, leaving SPEAR behind me. But I have friends around me, and I have a good squadron who'll keep me right

What to do now?
I'll protect the vulnerable
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