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Things are Heating Up: Crazy's Log 16th September 3306

16 Sep 2020CrazyGolm
Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency reporting in.

I'm currently aboard a Pilots' Federation Rescue Vessel orbiting Garrido Market, in the LHS 4031 system.

It looks like things are getting eventful, right here in the Bubble. You probably have already heard by now, but in case you've been living under a rock, the Empire is under attack by a violent revolutionary organization called the NMLA. I'm not one to delve into the politics, but they've caused a ton of damage in four Imperial starports, using Thargoid bombs! It's grabbed the attention of many Commanders who either want to help - or hinder - the aid efforts, many of which headed straight to Cemiess.

Several from IDA came to help, running towards the danger. I started by patrolling in the Cemiess system for hostiles - spoiler alert, there were many. When they dissipated somewhat, I decided to switch to providing emergency relief in my freshly undusted Arbitrative Tram, my T7 rescue boat. It wasn't easy, and I had several run-ins with hostile Commanders wanting to commit war crimes. I ended up moving to another system equally in need of evacuation - LHS 4031 - which is where I am now. I have kept an eye out for hostiles to report in this less busy location.

Being a rescue pilot is an experience in itself. When you go into that station, the gravity of the whole thing really strikes you - the alarms, the flaming wreckage, the explosions. It just makes me more determined to get the refugees outta there. I put on some archaic upbeat music to liven the mood a bit. Those refugees sure weren't expecting their rescue craft to be blaring bangers from over a thouand years ago, and I'm sure I got more than one dirty look from Starcon.
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︎0 Shiny!
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