Logbook entry

You'll never guess what I left...: Crazy's Log, 2nd November 3306 *HINT: WHAT BEGINS WITH 'SP' AND RHYMES WITH 'EAR'

02 Nov 2020CrazyGolm
Commander (or Councillor, or just Mr, delete as appropriate) CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency checking in.

Soooo.... ladies and gentlemen, I....

*drum roll*

....left SPEAR!

[Once the clamour, whooping and hooter noises have died down]

This time, I'm not going back.

That happened a while ago, just writing it up here now for the history books. If you need me to write up the reasons here, I will. I tried doing it in this post, but it sort of boiled my head thinking about it.

I understand not everyone will have had the same... negative... experience as me, so if you're happy to stay in SPEAR, I'll try not to judge you
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