Logbook entry

Paintjobs, Racing and Grave Robbery: Crazy's Log, 29th November 3306

30 Nov 2020CrazyGolm
This is Commander CrazyGolm of the Independent Defence Agency checking in.

The galaxy's been getting more lively lately. The Federation and the Empire are more or less on the warpath, all over those NMLA terrorists! A Federal port even got bombed! Currently the two superpowers are both demanding resources in a race to build bigger fleets than their rivals.

How the NMLA thinks it's ever going to win this fight beats me, but it'll be a wild party.

Meanwhile the Alliance are setting up shop over in the Coalsack Nebula, thanks to some old project, and a dormant ship from two hundred years ago showing up on their doorstep.

IDA as an agency are remaining neutral throughout all this; nonetheless our job is as busy as ever. An influx of new Commanders into the Pilots' Federation needed protected last week as the gankers swarmed against them, and multiple new recruits even joined our ranks. It's nice to see an old squad get fresh faces.

With everything going on in the Bubble, we decided to take leave and have an exciting weekend away to visit Guardian ruins. These prehistoric momuments were founded long ago by now extinct extraterrestrials, and they are of immense archaeological value. We had much to learn (and gather) from them.

OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: The Independent Defence Agency recognises the cruciality that ancient artefacts are preserved and respected, to enable their rightful study and appreciation for all humanity.

With that said.... we went SRV racing there.

Ancient sites, perhaps once full of life yet laid waste by some primordial tragedy, became the site of reckless disdain, as rovers dashed, jumped, rolled and bashed each other among the ruins. A few buggies joined the nonhuman detritus, blown up by overhead craft, their peers or their own misadventures. Later on, we reactivated the structure's systems to make it catapult our vehicles through the sky.

Not to mention that the previous day the ancient Beacon, a lighthouse to the galaxy and a monument of the Guardians' legacy, became nothing more than a prop in a battleground for our amazing, one and only, Fight Night Special.

I do not believe that the original designers intended their buildings for such entertainment, but we loved it.

(We had a lot of small ships kicking lumps out of each other, and it makes me want to build more Vipers. Or maybe a Cobra.)

After that, I performed some actual archaeology and visited another site to scan some ancient Guardian data block things. Ack, it's just a Toblerone with some LEDs in it, how hard can it be? They say tomb raiding ain't fun, well they don't say that, I made that up, but I for one found it an enjoyable experience, y'know, all the 'visiting ancient ruins shrouded in darkness to take what I must' style stuff. I didn't manage to get all the data I needed, though.

The next day I had to hurry to catch the carrier back as, in my infinite wisdom, I had neglected to bring any long range vessels, and being stuck out here in a 11Ly T10 was not what I had in mind.

When I got back to (more or less) civilised space, I deliberated over what livery to apply to my old Cobra, the Crux. It's been with me for most of my career, so I guess it's of sentimental value to me, and seeing (and being shot at by) other people's Cobras made me want to customise mine. I have an old special livery, a highly limited edition paint set that I managed to get from some magazine or other back in the day. If I applied it, my Cobra would be practically unique in the galaxy. In the end, after many sample resprays by the carrier crew (CMDR Iceleya, give them a raise for putting up with me), I decided just to leave the original factory paint on it, as it looked good as it was.

And here's a final quote from myself:
"French? Why did I learn French? No one speaks French any more."
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︎1 Shiny!
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