Logbook entry

[Roleplay] Food in Space

29 Dec 2020CrazyGolm

Commander Golm, oft-called Crazy, relaxed in the seat. His table was positioned beside the window, providing a view of the hustle and bustle outside the restaurant. It was the late afternoon, or early evening, and numerous people were flowing through the port; perhaps pilots hurrying back to their ship, perhaps tourists stopping over, perhaps just residents living their normal lives amongst the visitors.

Golm's life was not so normal. Sometimes he wished it was.

To the uneducated outsider, Rushworth Station was surprisingly busy for an unremarkable starport. However, when asked, the locals would cite three notable attractions:

-Pikum was supposedly a good place for bounty hunting,
-Pikum was also under the power of Li Yong-Rui, the big boss of Sirius who offered shipyard stock discounts wherever he went,
-Most of all, Rushworth Station was home to the somewhat famed Pikum Public Pizza Parlour, acclaimed for serving the best pizzas in the galaxy.

Golm hadn't tried the pizza yet, in fact his orange Remlok helmet still covered his head, but he was content with sitting patiently. He was waiting to meet a friend, a close friend of his, to go bounty hunting together. Once he arrived, they'd get pizza.

The restaurant's decor was simple but elegant, as all pizza restaurants should be. Gentle smooth jazz filtered into the parlour; Golm had been told that occasionally they had a live band, however most of the time the music was pre-recorded. The atmosphere was just right: comfortable, relaxed, up-market but not extravagant, and just the right aroma of Italian cuisine.

"We need more pizza parlours in life," Golm mused. It was so easy to worry these days, with all the turbulent stuff going on in the galaxy, but it wasn't the best thing to do. Sometimes, for your own good, you just needed to take a break, slow down, and sit in a nice jazzy room. Take it all easily and simply.
"We need jazz players, not worriers."

One day he would build his own pizza oven, if he got the chance.

A black-suited figure entered the parlour from the port terminal, drawing Golm's attention. He rose to his feet and removed his helmet. Golm's friend had arrived. They shot reciprocating greetings at each other across the restaurant.


"Great to see you! How's the Councilling going? Let's get pizza!"


Golm glanced at the menu card.
"I'll have the Best Pizza in the Galaxy, please."

The waiter glanced back at him, apparently needing more information.
"Is that the eight, ten, or twelve inch version?"

Golm responded wryly. "I guess I'll have the Best Ten Inch Pizza in the Galaxy, then."
That got a chuckle from everyone.

They had come for the bounty hunting, but stayed for the pizza.
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︎1 Shiny!
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