Logbook entry

In Defence of Humanity

05 Apr 2023CrazyGolm
I wrote this based on my experience fighting the Thargoid War in Open Play. Thank you to everyone who was there!

The Awara system was at breaking point. It had come under full-scale Thargoid invasion, and it was down to its last starport. If Haisheng Colony fell, the entire system would be conquered by the Thargoids. With less than 24 hours remaining to defend it, things were looking grim.

A group of Pilot’s Federation CMDRs came together to form a defence against the Thargoids. All of them were complete strangers to me. Our forces included my Chieftain, several Kraits, at least one other Chieftain, a couple of Corvettes, an Anaconda and an Imperial Cutter. I tried communicating with them, but none replied beyond the usual salute. Only a couple of them were even winged up. No one spoke: we all knew what we had to do.

We would form a gallant last stand against the invaders. Whether we would win or not, we would fight them. We would fight for this system, for the locals who had lost their home. The fact that the whole idea was flat-out crazy did nothing to dissuade us.

In that moment, complete strangers were united together against the Thargoids. Ships from Federal, Imperial, Allied and Independent navies fought on one side against the invaders. It didn’t matter what superpower, squadron or faction we were from: in that moment we were all human, fighting for humanity.

We managed to push back the waves of Thargoid ships, until there arrived three Hydra Interceptors. I could have left then, but I knew I had to stay.
We fired and fired our weapons, draining our distributors many times over, until eventually we exerted their hearts. Time and time again we flew back to the station for repairs, yet one by one we wore the great alien vessels down. In the end, we defeated all three Hydras.

We won that battle, though the fate of the system remains to be seen. I can’t say if our efforts will help save it, or if the system will fall anyway. When I left for my fleet carrier, the others were still there, and it’s entirely possible they continued fighting for many more hours.

Update: The system's fall may have been 1 week away, not 24 hours, sorry if I misreported that.
After a few days, I’m pleased to say that my actions helped save Awara!
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