Logbook entry

The Best Is Yet To Come - 2: Respite

10 May 2023CrazyGolm
Respite - March 3309

Colonia was beautiful this time of year.

So beautiful that one particular pilot had spent several days parked on a high-G world, just waiting for the sun to be in the right spot.

It was March of 3309. Golm, oft-called Crazy, was relaxing in the tourist lounge of Jaques Station. He was on a much-needed holiday, in order to rest. At least, he was trying to rest. These were trying times.

His thoughts turned to the events of late. The Thargoid War had exploded and was now raging in the Bubble. And even now, facing an extinction level threat, humanity was still fighting amongst itself.

How could he be on vacation during a war for survival?

The truth was, he had tried to play his part and defend human space, but the prolonged war was tiring him out somewhat. Other pilots were more organized and, quite frankly, better at it than him, and he found it hard to keep up with the constantly shifting nature of the war. And if he was honest, this break was long overdue.

With all the chaos unfolding in the galaxy of late, it was easy to see the universe as a dark and foreboding place. But it was also a beautiful place, a place of awe-inspiring wonder. Colonia in particular could make your jaw drop. It was as though humanity was supposed to find it, and be amazed by its magnificence.

Colonia was also remarkable in that it was a beacon of peaceful human co-operation. It had been founded by independents on the frontier, following a selfless effort to repair Jaques’ stranded station. For the most part, it was a place where humanity worked together in harmony. If only the rest of civilization took note…

Golm’s attention was brought back to reality for a moment. A waiter had brought him his drink.
His order was quite peculiar: something between a milkshake and ice cream.

Golm fumbled with his drink, and quickly realized that the straw wouldn’t fit in his helmet without lifting the mirrored visor. Reluctantly, he removed his helmet and set it down next to him.
Wearing it had become second nature, to the extent where he even forgot that he was wearing it. That said, no one else seemed to mind either way.

The tourist lounge was comfortably furnished, neatly dotted with café tables, reclining chairs and even parasols (despite the fact that it was clearly indoors). It was upmarket but welcoming. It was not busy, but there were a few holidaymakers coming and going.

The milkshake/ice cream hybrid was thoroughly enjoyable, but for some reason Golm’s favourite flavour was, and always had been, mint.

Golm’s thoughts drifted to the Agency. He was relieved that he was welcome there, and that he had put things right. The Agency’s space was so far unthreatened by alien invasion, but nonetheless it committed several pilots to the war effort. Once he was back in the Bubble, he could fly with them.

The universe was an amazing place. It would be a tragedy if there were no humans left to experience it.

The galaxy needed him.

He would answer the call.

CrazyGolm would return.

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︎2 Shiny!
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