Logbook entry

Lebowski Interstellar squadron.

06 Oct 2021Mersozz Yelo
Squadron/Faction Discord
Squadron/Faction Frontier Forum

Lebowski Interstellar operates as the squadron division for Wraith Shipping.   Our in-game squadron tag is "DDST".   We run on PC platform. We are active on both Horizons and Odyssey.

At last count (15 August 3307) we number 42 squadron members (most are not registered through Inara, so the roster information below is incomplete).  We are currently recruiting new members.   We also welcome opportunities to work with other squadrons, factions, and independent pilots from time to time.  It's a big galaxy... plenty of room for everyone.

The squadron is named in honor of a 20th century thinker from Sol who was lost to history following the devastation of World War III.   In 3281, a Wraith Shipping salvage team partially recovered video footage of Lebowski from the data logs of The Treehorn, a heavily-damaged generation ship.  

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