Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 02

12 Feb 2022Kris Afron
Oh dear!

I took my Alliance Chieftain out for a spin to do a bit of pew-pew combat in a RES site in Colonia. All was going well until some blind security patrol vessel pilot got in my way, unfortunately he bought it! 10,000 credit fine and bounty on my head now and a pack of angry security dudes on my tail trying to exact revenge. So I hightailed it out of there back to "The Ends of Invention" (my carrier) to let things cool off a bit.

I decided then to go do a bit of exploring to let my notoriety drip down before I returned to Colonia to do missions and stuff again. I wasn't going to be able to access any ports there anyway because I was wanted.

Astrometrics showed a couple of nebulas nearby, looked like a well trodden path, but the views might be interesting.

Sixteen 75ly jumps later I'm in The Clover Nebula at Dryooe Prou HH-C d267, there was none of that nice blue and red glowy stuff around so I was thinking where's the nebula. I then realised that a lot of stars around looked a bit dim and it dawned on me that this was a dark nebula, interesting, but not something to take a nice piccy of.

So I headed for the next one, looked really close on the map, but it ended up 809 ly journey almost vertically straight down through the galaxy, another 11 jumps (I love my Krait Phantom, double engineered Class 5 FSD - great). Approaching The Peng Nebula at Dryooe Prou KG-X c1-135, I got a few nice shots, this is the best of them.

Once I arrived, it was worth touching down onto a local planet to get a view of the nebula from the ground and I managed to find a really great spot for a magnificent view.

By this time my notoriety had dissipated so I headed back to Colonia and handed myself in for a brief visit to the local detention centre.

When I got out, there was a new Community Goal available, so I signed up for it. Now I'm hauling Coffee to Jacques Station for a tidy profit. I love this life (apart from the prison breaks of course)!

CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders.

Note to self - try to stay out of prison!
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︎2 Shiny!
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