Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 03

08 Mar 2022Kris Afron
Two days ago I completed my first planned exploration loop in the Colonia region. I decided to run a circle (as best I could) of 1000 ly diameter starting and returning to Colonia.

So this is what I accomplished,

The waypoints on the journey were,

Start Colonia
1 Eol Prou CQ-M c8-202
2 Eol Prou VP-Y b17-37
3 Eol Prou PO-N c8-201
4 Eol Prou BL-X E1-2241
5 Eol Prou KR-A b18-92
6 Eol Prou FD-A A37-0
7 Eol Prou XV-U d3-1520
8 Eol Prou WV-U d3-206
9 Eorgh Prou KP-Z b17-46
10 Eorgh Prou FF-N c8-247
11 Eorgh Prou RC-U d3-1249
12 Eorgh Prou ME-W b17-14
13 Eorgh Prou BU-R d4-1108
14 Eorgh Prou CE-T d3-15
15 Eorgh Prou EU-S b17-10
16 Spoihaae AA-Q c8-147
17 Spoihaae RR-D b18-1
18 Spoihaae KQ-P c8-27
19 Spoihaae TP-V d3-342
20 Spoihaae EH-E b18-16
21 Eol Prou ZX-S b17-8
22 Eol Prou TW-T b17-16
23 Eol Prou BN-M a37-0
Finish Colonia

I took my exploration Keelback "Where To Next?" as I hadn't used this for exploration very much and this would be really good shakedown cruise for it. She has a 48ly range and it was about 3 jumps between each waypoint, so there was plenty of scope for honking new systems and doing a bit of biological data gathering too. The entire trip took about 3 days and every system that I visited got the complete DSS treatment so there's going to be plenty of stars and planets with my name against them, not that I'm egotistical like.

There were a few interesting sights, so here's a few piccies.

Moving away from the triple sun of Eol Prou LH-U d3-3330. It's difficult to see the red dwarf at this range, but it orbits the left hand sun at a very close distance.

A variety of Cactoida that I've never seen before.

A nice dark nebula.

And I found this nice Aloeida at Spoihaae NU-V d3-191, planet 2A

Right now I'm running missions back in Colonia and planning the next loop. Looking forward to getting out in the black again soon.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders.
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