Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 04

03 Apr 2022Kris Afron
Well, I've been continuing my adventure in the Colonia area. The nice Brewer Corporation finally managed to get their Decal rewards correct, so now my favourite trading ship "Lapsed Pacifist" sports the Gold one. She is the ship, a Python, that I usually use for trading with a capacity of 256 tonnes and she's kitted out to defend herself from the criminal aspects of our society, so she has really well beefed up shields and armour and weaponry to go with it, in addition she's fully engineered. Most interdictions end up with a dead ganker (except those who manage to escape), and making additions to my engineering materials. I nearly always submit and then kick ass!

But anyway, I digress - back to the log.

I sorted out the route for my second expedition from Colonia, another 1000 ly diameter loop, this time 180o from the first (so it forms another circle opposite to the first, see Log 03, and the loop on the right in the view below). I bought and kitted out a Cobra MkIII for this journey, the range is just over 50ly so it was a similar journey to the first expedition, about 3 jumps between each waypoint - plenty of systems to scan and planets to land on for finding exotic biology.

This was the route,

Eol Prou DQ-M c8-114
Eol Prou YE-N c8-137
Eol Prou WO-Z b17-0
Eol Prou QX-Y a36-0
Eol Prou VS-A b18-35 Prou ZX-A b18-42
Eoch Pruae YK-X e1-9001
Eoch Pruae ZV-U d3-577
Eoch Pruae CR-U d3-416
Eoch Pruae OE-N c8-158
Eoch Pruae JC-U d3-205
Eoch Pruae OS-T d3-594
Eoch Pruae PN-T d3-235
Eoch Pruae OS-K c8-33
Eoch Pruae UY-S d3-1504
Eoch Proo GA-Q c8-25
Eoch Proo LW-N c9-218
Spoihaae HW-T d4-472
Spoihaae KX-N c9-41
Spoihaae HO-C b19-1
Eol Prou JP-I c9-37
Eol Prou ED-S b18-3
Eol Prou VN-J c9-111

It was another interesting trip with some good biology to be discovered. Notable systems were Eol Prou DQ-M c8-114, where I found Electricae Radialam Magenta on planet D1 and the Aquamarine version on D2. At Eol Prou VI-O c8-250, which was a very interesting system, no less than 6 bodies sporting some sort of life, ABC1A, D1,D3, D4, D5 and D6A. Then Eoch Pruae PN-K c8-50 body A has 4 of its moons providing 19 different types, 8 on A1D was quite spectacular, although two of them, the Fungoida and Cactoida were difficult to find. And finally Spoihaae HW-T d4-472 where AB3G has seven life forms.

Here's a few of them in shots I took.

The Frutexa at lower left is new to me, but I'm sure I've found the others in previous systems and expeditions.

The next expedition is already planned and plotted and will commence soon, then I'll have the third loop around Colonia done. Just one thing to add before I sign off, the Cobra made a good exploration ship, the only downside being the fuelscoop, which at Grade 4 really took a bit long to re-fuel causing some mild overheating especially when I'd had to jump more than one system to a fuel star.

I called it Nomad.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders.
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