Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 05

29 May 2022Kris Afron
I've now achieved most of what I wanted to do by coming to the Colonia region, but some things still remain - but more about this later.

I recently finished my 4th exploration loop and Colonia now sports some nice petals. My thoughts are to do some more and create a torus centred on Colonia. Depending on which exploration ship I use it only takes 2 or 3 days to complete each loop.

On this loop I found a couple of places that were good for snaps, the first one had an orange sky with a very intense star at Eol Prou TF-D d13-3604, planet A2c. A2 hangs in the sky just right of the star and it looks to be surrounded by a pool of orange juice!

The second at the moon of Eol Prou RH-D c12-103, Planet 1a was so dark that it was impossible to see anything in the landscape beyond the reach of the ship lights and my personal light. The tiny sun of this system was just over 5000 ls away and it provided no illumination at all even on the sunlit side of the moon.

I've actually been picking up quite a lot of undiscovered systems on these loops, so if I decide to continue them my tally is going to increase.

I recently also managed to finally get Combat Elite - Whoopee! - lots of combat missions in this region contributed to this majorly (from Deadly to Elite was achieved entirely on foot) and Milanov's Reaver's personnel over at Joshi's Astrophysics at Ogmar A4C took the brunt of the killings.

So so far I've done,

4 reasonably successful exploration loops.
Unlocked all of the regions engineers including the 4 that do weapon and suit mods.
Got all my suits up to grade 5 and fully modded.
Got most of my weapons up to grade 5 and fully modded.
Bought some additional ships and got them engineered - I'll be leaving these at Jaques Station when I leave, so that I can use them if I'm ever over here in the future without the carrier.

I want to re-visit the Galactic centre, but approach it from a different direction so that I can explore between here and the Outer Arm and Wagar's reach and in the Orion-Perseus Conflux. There's so much to do, but it all needs to be planned.

For now I'm trying to build up Tritium stock on the Carrier, I haven't decided if I'll take it on the expeditions yet, but if I do I'll need the cargo full of fuel. But I'll still need to do this even if I decide just to return to the bubble.

For now, CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders.
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