Gone to Colonia - Log 07, ...and on to Au Nain Rouge
10 Aug 2022Kris Afron
Following on from my last log, my next destination was a POI called Au Nain Rouge. This is described on ED Astrometrics here, https://edastro.com/gec/view/99. It seemed to be well worth a visit. My route took me high above the galactic plane (see my previous log for a plot of the journey) into an area littered with neutron stars and black holes.One remarkable system that I dropped into had 5 black holes orbiting each other along with a retinue of other suns and planets.
The view from here had loads of gravitational distortion effects.
But on to the POI - continuing the journey around the plotted loop Au Nain Rouge was eventually reached. Another spectacular system and the view of the Earth like world from the side of a Stratum on the nested moon was added to my travel album.
Before leaving Au Nain Rouge I decided to do a side trip, so I headed up away from the galactic plane as far as I could go. I couldn't get any further than Dryee Free PS-U f2-21 https://www.edsm.net/en/system/id/29285815/name/Dryee+Free+PS-U+f2-21, which is 2816 ly above the galaxy, but the view from there was tremendous.
The journey back to Colonia was pretty uneventful though.
CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders.