Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 08, ...thinking about the return to the Bubble.

03 Oct 2022Kris Afron
For the past few weeks, I've been getting The Ends of Invention ready for the return to the Bubble. I've really enjoyed this visit to Colonia and it has been a very fruitful trip, but all good things must come to an end.

I promised myself another trip to Sagittarius A* while I was here, so I decided to go back the long way round via the galactic centre. I've needed to get stocked up on Tritium for the voyage and that has been quite a chore. There are a few stations around here to source it from, Neugebauer Mines in Luchtaine and Annan Orbital in Sollaro are both quite good, however the quantities are small - usually below 50 units so it takes a long time and many trips to get the quantities I need. Generally, this can be accomplished as part of the everyday mission running (stop off on the way there or the way back) but often someone else gets there first, so the quantities can be very small. Mining the stuff is also pretty poor out here and the return per hour isn't really worth the effort. Recently however I've been able to source the stuff from fleet carriers that sell it at eye-watering prices, so I've just gritted my teeth and shelled out anyway.

Out here you miss out on most Community Goals and other stuff that happens around the bubble - would be good to visit a few guardian sites and also maybe some Thargoid constructions again - although those places are really spooky. Maybe I can get to see those weird anomalies I've been hearing about!

Today I got to the point where my carrier is nearly full, so having spent over 1bn CR in the last couple of days I've started to plan the route back.

I'm planning on a loop through the Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux and Odin's Hold stopping off at a few DSSA Carriers where maybe I can refuel the FC. The first port of call will be CCN Tranquility [FZK-L9Z] (Orion-Cygnus Arm) at Phreia Flyou FG-V d3-116.

Just now I'm running a few more missions to top up the funds after my shopping spree and also stocking up the carrier with essentials for the trip.

Then I guess in a day or so I'll head out.

I'll carry this narrative on in a few days once I'm underway.

CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders, O7.
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