Logbook entry

Gone to Colonia - Log 09, first leg of the return to the Bubble.

29 Oct 2022Kris Afron
I finally set out on October 5th, heading for Phreia Flyou FG-V d3-116 and DSSA carrier CNN Tranquillity. I had plotted a circular arc to take me there because a straight route would have taken me through systems already travelled by other commanders and this strategy is working for me as I do generally not end up in systems that are already discovered. My strategy for these routes is to send The Ends of Invention to a waypoint and then follow it in an exploration vessel and my favourite is Are We There Yet? , my Krait Phantom which can jump 72 ly when fully fuelled.

I'm not in any rush either so I paced it at a couple of waypoints a day, thoroughly scanning every visited system and then investigating the biological signals that I find. However, I tend to ignore the planets with only 1 or 2 signals, the time spent looking for bacterium and stratum doesn't seem worth the effort and to my mind prolongs the journey significantly. So, I generally stick to the planets that show 3 or more biological signals and even then, if I don't get them all within a reasonable time I skip to the next system.

My first new discovery came at Leamae DF-E b42-20, planet C2 where I found Fumarola Carbosis Gold growing out of fumaroles.

Well, I guess they would be found growing out of fumaroles - bit of an obvious statement really!

And not to be outdone Kyloagh WU-O b23-19 planet 3A produced Fumarola Aquatis Orange which can just be seen in this vista.

That's a nice snapshot for the album as well.

Shortly after I came across one of the largest systems (number of bodies) I'd ever discovered, there are 69 in Kyloagh SP-M d8-454 as seen here,

I finally arrived at my destination on 13th October and visited the DSSA Carrier. There was no Tritium to be had there, so it was a wise move on my part to make sure that I had plenty of stock available.

I had been wondering what strategy the DSSA carriers had chosen for their placement and Phreia Flyou FG-V d3-116 gave me a hint - it was a remarkable system, the like of which I'd never seen before. DSSA carrier CCN Tranquillity was parked in orbit around an earth-like world which was just one member of a set of 4 co-orbiting earth like bodies and a high metal content world. All of them were fairly close together and could all be seen in the sky from any of them.

I've decided to include a record of the route showing the significant discoveries on the journey, so here's the first one (thanks to ED Astrometrics).

The next stage will take me to Hypuejaa RT-Q e5-83 and [EDS] DSSA Enigma [QBN-LKW]. I wonder what will be special about that system?

CMDR Kris Afron signing off. Fly safely commanders, O7.
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