Logbook entry

Someone please, fire me

25 Aug 2019Cpt Krovatchski
I dont know what to do at this point command.
 Ive tried to cope with the poor decisions on the crew youve dispatched me with, but I feel like maybe,  just maybe... you dont think highly of me

Now where there is nothing wrong with vanessa, exceptional condor pilot, and great at keeping the capacitators  nailed to the wall,
I think someone took a bribe to let this other guy in

I just spent 23 minutes removing this guy from the SRV. He got stuck in there

Not good enough?
Let me elaborate.
He was stuck in there, in space.
Yes. Space
He was out of the ship,  in space, in the SRV. Luckily the Damn thing was still hanging on by a cable.

I dont know how you expect me to handle this, especially seeing as YOU HAVE YET TO RESPOND TO ANY OF THESE TRANSMISSIONS.

Please send a replacement, im 90% Positive he will be dead by the end of the month

-CMdR Cpt. Krovatchski.

Ps. The coffee machine is broken, he tried to put water in a synthesizer that makes its own water. FML
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