Reporting for Duty
30 Aug 2019Cpt Krovatchski
CommandWe arent sure whats happened, but we are off the grid entirely. The ship stopped bugging out about 3 hours ago, and we spent 3 hours waiting for life support to return to the entire ship. As far as i can tell, we arent in any charted system.
John seems to think we are in purgatory, and i tried to explain to him thats not right, because id be in hell. He has continued to pray and talk about being an online minister, and that hes going to "save us" from damnation because we are dead.
I guess that means ill be calibrating the FSS by myself.
If this report reaches you, please make contact via 39802890392799227252816992
The ship also has a pre programmed dispatch in the log, regarding the winter contingency bullshit, called Operation Windfall. Would love to figure out how to open the encryption.
- CMdR CPT Krovatchski
Definitely going to hell