Logbook entry

Full circle

05 Jan 2020Cpt Krovatchski

Victor navigated us back to occupied space. We were all quite disturbed by the weeks events already, but we managed to stop the crimson drug empire from taking over Bodedi when we woke up yesterday.

63 pirates in 2 hours.

The ship is, for lack of a better word, fucked.

Weve repaired the hull, and major systems, but we honestly need a complete tear down, as so many internal systems are too damaged to be fixed, and we just need an overhaul.

Enrique has been removed from the ship. I think hes actually lost it.

We also got your immediate demand to remove John kelly from the Psychiatric ward.

Please, reconsider your order to return him to the ship.

David has been removed from the hole, and is on repair detail for the next several days, please remember this man cant fix a plate of spaghetti let alone a ship, your call not mine.

I decided to eat that ham i traumatized, and im feeling alot better about assaulting it in the first place. The side effects of the radiation have almost worn off with treatment.

Im putting in a request, with my most recent promotion, id like to recommend we ride the Cortas Die into its last days, and i would like to formally request the issuance of a new ship.

I think with the recent jobs youve had me do, and their consequences..... i deserve a Corvette.

Think about it

- CMDR Cpt Krovatchski
This isnt blackmail
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