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What the hell is going on today?

29 Jan 2020Cpt Krovatchski

Late as hell.

But i can't put my finger on something thats bothering me.

Everyone seems to be acting odd recently, and its been keeping me awake at night. Most recently, the woman we imprisoned for having a child in unsafe conditions, she seems to be pregnant and still with her husband in gresley holding.

Her husband i feel very bad for, as she seems to have driven him mental.

On my last visit it appeared he was doing situps on the ground wearing a lifeguard outfit, and pisses himself frequently.

Not sure whats going on there, or how this is allowed.

My fiance even is acting strangely. On our laat conversation, she asked me if i had found my mother yet.

This is completely fucked, because my mother has been dead for three years.

And im sure she knows this.

Even david is acting weird. He appears to have cut his awful ponytail off, and is acting like hes a normal human being, instead of the whiney brat he will always be.

John is not bothering me currently, as we told him there was a woman interested in him down in storage on dock three.

There is no woman

There is no dock three

I havent seen him in a week.

- CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
He must be desperate
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