Logbook entry

Dispatch Update 04 Aug 3306

04 Aug 2020Cpt Krovatchski

We have Shot down over 200 pirates this month. Tollan isn't getting any better.
Neither is the help you've dispatched me with. That Viper IV you issued to Commander Partin has had its guns shot off yet again. I've dipped into my personal funds and Signed off on his issuance of a Krait MKII
I hope there is no argument from you there.

Then again you would have to actually respond to one of these, to argue.

At which point, I would ask you where my fucking paycheck is.

I actually have many questions for you, and I've wondered for very long if you sent Pfc David here to help Pfc John drive me into flying into a sun.

When you do decide to look at this, I have an informal complaint about a recent insurance claim.

A ship recently claimed our fighters crashed into him, and caused damages. Where I do not dispute this, because it did happen, the problem here is, that was a fucking pirate that escaped our assault.

Are you telling me that my insurance will pay for damages to a pirates vessel, but not the many toilets that PFC John Kelly has DECIMATED.

Please send Commander Rowesy a fucking bandaid while you're at it, ive never seen a Vulture explode in less than 2 seconds, and he may need some juice.

My only report im willing to file is as follows.

Pfc John Kelly disembarked at Gressley Dock last week, accompanied by PFC David Plum. This was not my choice, as I was unaware the two were together.

The pair approached a large man at the receiving platform, and began to bother him. He stated he didn't know the two and was unclear as to their intent.

It has since been brought to my attention, that sometime in the last month, the pair have started a Gravy smuggling operation aboard the vessel.

The Dock security escorted the two back to the Cortas Die, at which point I insisted security keep them, but unfortunately security could find nothing illegal about hoarding gravy.


CMdR Cpt Krovatchski
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