Logbook entry

Inspected The Cortas Die

05 Feb 2022Cpt Krovatchski

During the downtime aboard the vessel, I decided to personally search this City of a ship for no reason other than logging time I can be paid for.

we have had more than enough time to get completely sick of each other.

I sent maintenance detail to check the Starport for lucrative trade routes when we leave, they needed time off-ship anyway.

PFC David plum has refused to go out and get some Space station walk time in, because its "not his job to walk around".
quite frankly, I'm unsure what his job is anyway, because I never see him actually do anything but annoy and aggravate/ break shit aboard the vessel.

PFC John Kelly, however, doesn't want to work either, he would rather sit around and talk about how he has enough time on this frigate to work aboard any clipper he wants. i really wish he would have said "Imperial" Clipper, so i could have him sanctioned and tried for treason against the federation.

I made it down to deck 4 today, and not only was I unaware we had a deck 4, but I was also unaware we had passenger Cabins and an entire wing for travel and lodging.

do you know I have a receptionist down there, that i have never met, or even heard about?????

who pays her?

Cindy, the front desk attendant, is an older woman whom I never hired, so I don't know if she came with the ship or.....

but what bothers me more, is not only did I have a crew member i was unaware of, but she also seems to be worse at her job than either of my PFCs.

upon discovering her aboard the ship, and asking how long she has been here, she promptly said "its 4pm" shut the window to her office and left. presumably to go to her cabin.

meanwhile the phones in her office continued to ring.

I'm going to need this woman retrained. but her supervisor (whom I discovered also works... somewhere on the ship) only speaks in garbled speech before calling me a "fuckhead" and hanging up.

we will need to get this sorted

CMdR CPT Krovatchski.
what the hell?
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