Logbook entry

The comissioning of the [X5X-14Z] Point Nemo

14 Sep 2022Dark-Archer
I'd been absent from the Commander's seat for a good while, having spent two years down on the surface of the Nova Imperium home-world of Paresa 3. I grew tired of the Empire's ways along these years, and eventually decided to resign from Nova Navy and pursue my own independent endeavours once again. This happened to coincide with the HIP 22460 tragedy and the start of a very tumultuous period for Humanity. We poked the nest, and now the swarm follows.

The first ship of my new fleet was named the Reus. I spared no expense outfitting this Federal Corvette, a remnant from my Federal Navy days, for combat and pirate-deterrance. It is named after the king of the gods in ancient Luso-Celtic mythology, and as such it functions as the flagship, the leader of my fleet. However, resisting the Thargoids, even in this ship, is a futile effort.

In that, I saw a new path. I've always been curious about the galaxy, and there has never been a more pressing need for explorers willing to unravel the uknown, through danger and uncertainty. This realisation led me to building the second ship of my new fleet, the Polaris Dawn. The cutting-edge of the fleet, a Phantom with a jump range that will allow me to go anywhere in the galaxy in an effort to study its phenomena and inhabitants, with a focus on xenobiology and the illusive Thargoids. It is named after the North Star back on Earth, as it will guide me through the vast sea of the galaxy like its namesake once did millenia ago.

The third ship of my new fleet was built out of the need to fund my endeavours. These vast warships and cutting-edge explorers don't pay for themselves, so in the absence of a Cutter I decided to use a temporary Type 9 to kickstart my trading business. So hauling I went, and with careful planning of trade routes I was able to amass a sizeable fortune.

In my wealth I saw another opportunity. In 3306 the Brewer Corporation announced a new product that would fundamentally change how Pilot's Federation Commanders viewed the galaxy: They gave us the option to build and operate our own megaships, with all costs and benefits associated. With a price-tag of 5,000,000,000cr, though, the entry is extremely steep for even the most experienced Commanders. That was no longer a problem for me.

So the [X5X-14Z] Point Nemo was born. Named after the Earth's oceanic pole of innacessibility, it quickly became the back-bone of my fleet and helped augment all of my activities. It became a way to haul thousands of tonnes of cargo in an instant, to support the Reus in clearing mining areas of pirates, but most importantly, it will serve as the mobile anchor to my expeditions deep into the void to unravel the mysteries of the Milky Way.
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