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the day's just keep getting longer.

08 May 2019Karman
The days just keep getting longer for me... I know that bounty hunting is a rough way to make a living but when you make 2 Mil credits per session, it's just fun to do. Recently though the number of high value targets at my normal spots seem to be going down... I mean come on I know I can take on the next imperial eagle pretty easily since their shields are pretty much nothing when next to my combat conda, but come on... where is that next next anaconda that has plasma accelerators to give me a scare by absolutely wrecking my shields or the Federal corvette outfitted to the teeth with missiles and multi-cannons to shred my modules and hull?

The longer I sit in my seat waiting for the next high value target makes me want to get up from my cockpit and just sleep out there in the field. Of course I kid when I say sleep cause I would never leave my post when I have my trusty fighter piloting herself out there... I just hate how much longer each trip is... and when I return to neche I look at the time and it's just later than the last day...

Come on high value targets... are you scared I am gonna wreck you? At least give me a challenge or show up to let me turn you to space dust...
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