Logbook entry

Pegasus Run - Day 1

28 Sep 2019Flemish Jack
September 28th, 3305

The much anticipated launch of the expedition to circumnavigate the rim of the Milky Way has arrived.  Pegasus Run 3305 is a go!  How very exiting.  

So there I was....

Upon arrival at Enif it was a bit chaotic, not as many folks as I had suspected would be there.  That said, we did miss the morning mass jump so we were functionally stragglers.  Rendezvoused with my old shipmate CMDR Vel Eshti, who got inadvertently roped into being a Wing Leader by Sgt Stubby.  Unfortunately Val had some technical difficulties within the ole cockpit and had to power down and reboot.  I dropped from the wing, rallied back up with Vel, and we rolled out because waiting is dumb.

We're taking a bit of a circuitous route to the first waypoint.  Figure most folks will plot as close to a straight line as possible so we're going to tack slightly off the beaten path.  First stop Sadr Logistics for refit and refuel and to be frank, figure out where the hell we're headed next.

Out this far it's space potatoes or bust, so we're off to the Gorgon Research Facility in NGC 7822 Sector BQ-Y d12 to rest and recoup.  Wish us luck.  

See you in the black commanders.

CMDR Flemish Jack - OUT
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