Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 3

30 Sep 2019Flemish Jack
19:59:23 09-30-05

Just outside the no-fire-zone at Base Camp I was interdicted.  Not a great start.  The fact that all I had onboard was uncompressed air probably kept me from getting into a scrape.  I had no idea FSD interdictors fit on Sidewinders.  Huh...if they're not supposed to this guy or one of his buddies figured it out.  Anyway, got to chattin' him up after the formalities were over and traded him a few back issues of Sagittarius Eye for a possible stale experience jelly.  He wouldn't tell me, or didn't know, what kind it was and seemed fairly eager to get rid of it.  Guess I'll find out what's up with it later.  Base Camp has more pirates than Hell's Point did the last time I was there.

With about half-a-gallon of delicious cat crap coffee I got started plotting the trip out to the 2nd Waypoint.  There are quite a few items of interest nearby so figure might as well go check them out. Who knows the next time we'll be out this way.  First stop, Geysers of Doom.  Below is a shot of some geysers, not sure if they're of the doom variety, but geysers.  Oh look at that little cute one up top.  Adorable.

After that CMDR Vel Eshti and I linked back up and made our way out to the Chi-Persei Cluster (specifically RS Persei).  The star cluster is pretty cool from the cockpit.

RS Persei is huge and angry.

Finally we left RS Persei and headed out to one of the Formidine Rift Abandoned Settlements.  Specifically Settlement B.  Had to literally get right up on the Unregistered Comm Relay to get it to spout out the codes, but only took a little hull damage to get it done.  You know because I ran in to it several times.  It was dark.

Once we landed near the settlement we dropped our SRVs and began exploring.  Checking some old emails seemed like the thing to do.  All of a sudden I get a warning from the cockpit "WARNING! Taking heat damage.  Temperature critical."  I have no idea what was going on, panic started to set it, hadn't inadvertently hit the "run silent" button so have no idea what was happening.  Got the boat up in the air and with some quick thinking and deft maneuvering did nothing to help the situation. Luckily it seemed to resolve itself...at 22% hull integrity.  Vel had some repair limpets so we got above 100m and commenced to repairing my ship.  Me internal with the AFMU and Vel shooting a couple robots at me.  Note to self:  next time while hovering above the ground don't shut down your thrusters for repair.  Let's never again hear "Dude!  WTH are you doing.  You're dropping. Stop dropping!"  Oh yeah.  Let me turn those back on.  Obviously I don't get planet side very often these days.

Here's a pic from before all hell broke loose.

Once Vel got me back up to 100% I bee lined it off planet.  I now have trust issues.  Well new trust issues.  Should have brought some shields, but no had to squeeze a couple extra light years out of her.  Oh well.  I reckon I'll wind up as a statistic one way or another by the end of the expedition. I'll either have completed it or died in the process.  It's really kind of binary like that.

Happy thoughts!  Just a bad shift right?  Interdicted then almost overheated (for no discernible reason) to death.  No big deal.

Fly safe Commanders.  In your own ship.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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