Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 4, 6, and All the Days in Between (a.k.a. Day 5)

02 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
01:28:51 10-04-05

Too tired to modify time/date grouping.  Time stamp shows date of original transmit attempt.  Just going to mod the entry in the queue.

My apologies for the delay in getting my latest missive out to the masses.  Assumes of course anyone is actually reading this.  Suspect I'm simply screaming into the darkness.  But WTH this helps to kill the time.  There's a lot of darkness out here and at least one boat load of time.

Anyway, did you know you can use a Hutton Orbital Mug as a spark gap in a radio transceiver? Well, you do now. Fun fact right?  That was my last one too. Guess I'll be drinking my Kitten Brand Coffee out of the pot. WTH it's just me in here anyway.  Got to run back out to Hutton Orbital when I get back to the bubble.  Yay?!

Apparently, even though primary system status indicators showed green across the board, with the exception of ye ole Advanced Docking Computer (which is 100% toast) my primary, secondary, and tertiary transceivers faulted out - bad.  The main vented every ounce of factory smoke.  The tertiary basically did the same thing - mainboard is slagged.  I was able, with the assistance of the aforementioned coffee mug and some 250km/hr tape, to get the back-up running.  Hence getting this out to you dearest readers.  My AFMU is at 82% so guessing fixing the radios falls within the 18% that ain't working.  More than a dozen antennas, 3 transceivers, and the radios aren't the AFMU priority next to life support, engines, thrusters, main processing and systems management...well since I put it that way....  Thanks Lakon Spaceways.  Good work.  I'm not dead.   If you're keeping score, yes, I caught on fire.

------- BREAK -------

19:32:17 10-01-05

Seems like it's been a while since I woke up in the black.  These last few days waking up in a station have been nice, but no kidding I'm glad to be out here with the stars and puffs of nebulae.  Today's schedule is pretty exciting.  Checking off a bucket list item tonight.  Heading out to The Angels of Death.  Not one, not two, but three black holes all in the same system.  Stop the madness!  I know right?

The run out to Phrio Hypue AA-A h0 was pretty uneventful.  Got a few hits to the codex verified a couple and added a few for others to verify.  Not bad for honking my way to the Angels.  For those keeping score, I only almost caught on fire once.

Couldn't get all three in a single frame, but got a selfie for confirmation.

Next stop NGC 1491 for reasons.  Nebula reasons.  CMDR Vel and I spent some time out here.  Surprisingly more than I would have thought.  Figured we'd honk and jump to the next system.  Instead we flew around snapping pics and maneuvering close enough for hand gestures.

Big ole purpley ball of yarn.

No hand gestures, but that icy stair is fueled by disdain and un-amusement.  High beams In. Yo. Face!

Now that we're done farting around in a cloud of gas it's time to make our way to Waypoint #2.  Party.

------- BREAK -------

So long old friend.  Until we meet again in Valhalla.

Fly safe commanders.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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