Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 7

04 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
13:03:48 10-04-05

Good morning (or afternoon I reckon) commanders!

For what it's worth crawling around inside ducting and maintenance hatches over the last two days with little sleep made it real easy to pass out last evening.  I guess technically it was around 0200 IGT so this morning, but split hairs much?  Woke-up motivated, thus - drum roll please - I made it to the sodding waypoint!!!  Plenty of time to spare only caught on fire 3 times since leaving the bubble (that first one didn't count I was still in the bubble) and most of my systems are still intact.  Now that I'm here, with 3 weeks until fleet rendezvous at WP 3 I have some thoughtin' to do.  Real question is how confident/brave/stupid am I to run this thing without shields in a DBX?  It would be cool to finish with zero recoveries and rebuys, but if the festivities planned for this waypoint are any indication of what's to come, our fearless Commodore (Commodore Stubby) is picking rocks with higher gravity than a naked DBX with dirty thrusters can safely land on without risking critical damage (none zero chance of 'splody).  It just so happens, in a past life I was a semi-pro SRV Racer and I'm getting a bit of a jones for those days again.

Fear is the mind killer, and my mind is being murdered verily at this point by like 6 guys with jack boots.  New Hope is a little under 9.5k ly from my current position and it's looking like a real option.  Going to have to do some physicses and maths to determine if the risk is worth the reward, but hell what else do I have to do other than get frisky with Kitten BrandTM coffee?

Proof is in the pudding as they used to say.  Here is the 1.3 something Earth gravities ball of particles Fleet Commodore Master Chief Spaceman Sergeant Stubby, ESQ, PMP, PhD, BMFb  picked.

It's like a big ugly high gravity moon that hates the adventurous and only loves shielded ships.  How rude.

13:47:28 10-04-05

In star synchronous orbit over Alpha 2 in the VIVVY GX-L D7-8 system.  Received some comms chatter (still sifting through a couple of days of message traffic) that CMDR Vel Eshti ran back to Jameson Memorial to trade the Krait for a Corvette.  What an animal - respect shipmate!  Gets me thinking, perhaps I should consider some trade-offs.  While my DBX has some serious legs my Cutter has some serious amenities.  Like for serious.  It's pretty impressive what the empire will toss into the deal when it's backed by a Duchy (super small and inconsequential, but humble brag nonetheless).  Major issue = need to run out in the 100% opposite direction to Hell Port for a ship transfer.  I guess I may as well run back to civilization if that's the nearest option, but I gotta tell ya' Hell Port is a bit of a soft spot for me.  Long story not safe for open channels - or is it?  You'll never know unless you buy me a drink in a sparsely occupied low lit bar with signal jammers.  Let's be honest, generally to get the money I've got most have to toe the line between good and evil.  Not copping to anything, just an observation.  Dearest intelligence service representative, I have never violated Federation/Empire/Alliance law because I strongly believe in the same moral code/spiritual deity you do.  

Anyway, I have a near term decision point, talk about first system problems.  It's gotta be because I've been out here as long as I have, but I think I've got at least one Hutton Mug in the Cutter.  Drinking from the carafe seemed doable last night when I was exhausted, but I've spilled more kitty poo than I've pouted into my face.  I didn't even make it through the whole pot before I waved the concept off.  +1 point Gutamaya Shipbuilding.

14:53:06 10-04-05

Floating here for over an hour.  I'm beginning to think my "fix" last night wasn't as effective as originally thought.  I'm receiving Galnet News updates, but zero returns from Vel.  Last message suggested successful return to Jamie, but who the hell knows.  Pirates are path of least resistance type fools and the closer you get to the path of least resistance....

Without feedback from a trusted advisor with regard to 28k ly trek to pick up the Cutter or carry on smartly I've decided to initiate a practical test.  As I'm in orbit around the high gravity world of choice, I'm going to attempt to land.  Stupid is as stupid does.  If I survive undamaged (unlikely) then I will commit to the current ship config.  If my boat explodes I'll submit my reclama to the actuaries at HICON to adjust the expedition statistics i.e., I didn't die, but my ship did.  That said, my understanding is that filtering the request through the approval chain will take longer than the remaining schedule for the expedition, but I'm nothing if not thorough.  Assumes of course I'm not a frozen corps and I get a lift back to Base Camp where my insurance provider assures me my replacement platform will reside.  I am the reason (and those like me) dear reader why your premiums are higher than you think they should be.

If I take more than 10% damage I'm heading to Hell Port to pay out the nose for a ship transfer into the lap of luxury.  Wish me luck.

Don't be like me.  Fly safe commanders.

This may be my last transmission.  I am honored that you can tell my story.

"Surface scan complete."  Here goes nothing.  

Flemish Jack - OUT!  (possibly for good)


15:30:46 10-04-05

WOOHOOO!!! I made it. Landed. Too easy!

No damage. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That was way too much fun. Really shallow approach angle on the body, never made into to glide, was running right at geological feature 6 (actual rally point) and had to land early. Why you ask? Well dearest reader, because Lakon Spaceways chose right not to push an enterprise wide systems update. I could shut down my comms sweet to avoid it, but with the fragile state it's in I don't want to risk it. I'm less than 500km from the rally point surface side. That's a win in my book. Assuming the I can't stop it update doesn't fry my boat, I'll see you on the flip side.

Flemish Jack - OUT (and still alive).
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