Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 21

22 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
21:28:46 10-21-05

CMDR Vel Eshti and I made it to the base camp geo site.  I had plenty of time to lick my wounds, the burns only sting a little bit now.  Vel after having dutifully repaired my hull several times was in near desperate need to replenish nickel stores as repair limpets require a not insignificant amount of nickel per unit.  Being that I may have been somewhat complicite in the reduction of stockage I set out to locate said nickel on the dark side of D3.


We found some, but elected to jump a couple of systems over as the nickel deposits on D3 were somewhat lacking.  Found a nice rock with a pretty cool view from the LZ.

Deployed SRVs and commenced to scouting for nickel.  Of course we picked everything else we found too.  You never know when you might need some random vitamins and minerals you've never seen before.

Vel plans to do some more scouting in nearby systems.  I on the other hand will spend a few days cleaning up the ship and getting some much needed rest.  Still the better part of a week until the mass jump to Waypoint #4.

Until next time commanders.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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