Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 31

28 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
16:58:24 10-28-05

Something 1000% crazy is going on.  I'm not counting today's or the Day 22 log entry when I tell you this as these are just me dealing with the concept of a horrific existential tactical nightmare and being whiny dealing with the 1st and 2nd degree burns from the "try to forge a sword in 0.07 G" exercise respectively.  While lying in the med bay trying to get right with the last few weeks it dawned on me that I'm missing several days.  Digging through my log entries I realized on two occasions, even though I was tracking the respective date, I missed the correlation between date and expedition day.  This concerns me.  Concerns me a great deal.  I haven't been out here long enough at any given stint to get the space madness itch, even though some might argue I'm just closer to that state of mind than the majority of spacers on the regular.

All joking aside, where the hell did 3 days go?  Yeah...3 days.  You may have figured it out already if you've been following along.  By the way, thanks for telling me I was hosed up.  Here's the thing, whether you figured it out already or not I have a misalignment in time on Day 9 (should have been Day 10) and later on Day 12 (should have been day 14).  I have absolutely no memory of those missing days.  Again, it's way too early for this to start happening.  Where did those missing days go?

There are only two possibilities as I see it.  Granted, this could just be the Lavian Brandy talking, but I've had some time to think on it.  1. I'm sick.  Something is seriously wrong with me medically.  or 2. I've been drugged.  The latter seems the most far fetched, but I've had a sneaking suspicion I'm not alone out here.  Ever since I discovered the Sirius Corp sticker and some anecdotal evidence of a squatter I've been thinking the squatter may have upgraded his or herself as a full-on stowaway.  What the hell?  If the latter why was I drugged not once but twice?  If the former, well hell I need to see a doc.  Facts either way you look at it.

Needless to say I'm heading back to Farsight to see a doc and hire a security detail to clear my ship.  This is the point of no return in the expedition.  The 18-22kly detour I'm about to make is less round trip than the one way to a nearest station for the next few months and the last thing I want to do is press the easy button and self-destruct my way back to civilization.  To be honest I'm hoping beyond hope that I have a stowaway and I haven't finally gone off the friggin' deep end.  Wish me luck.  If you've ever been out this deep, self destructing several million credits worth of hardware gets real promising.  For all you know you teleported to the nearest station.  It's like space magic.  Instant human contact.  That's all I'm saying.  Relax.

In lighter news.  Much lighter news.  A few early risers made the AM mass jump towards Waypoint 4 on Expedition Day 29.  Look shiny!

That's me in the Cutter, CMDR Mashwan in the 'Conda, and my trusty shipmate leading the wing in the Corvette.  Vel elected to also participate in the PM mass jump.  There were far more in attendance.  Assuming I make it back from Farsight to WP4 in time I'll be hitching my wagon to the PM group for sure.  SGT Stubby has some solid video on GalNet of the afternoon festivities.  Check it out.  The link is in the aftermarket comms suite provided front end brought to you by Discord Incorporated.  A shadow megacorp to be sure.

Until next time...and there will be a next time.  No disrespect to my Hutton Orbital Truckers brothers and sisters, but I'm tuning in Radio Sidewinder to get my grind on.  Uncle Flemish needs some EDM. I'm 36 jumps from the Zurara back mapping to get around the Formidine Rift towards Heart.  Nothing like some extra existential dread to make the trip noteworthy.  See you in the black commanders.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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