Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 32

29 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
03:32:16 10-29-05

What a grind.  Made it back to Farsight Expeditionary Base.  Has to be a personal record.  Just under 8,800 light years point-to-point as the space crow flies, 9,800 plus total traveled.  The Cutter is a space beast and due for a new paint job.  

I've said civilization is a good thing, but sometimes...not so much.  No sooner do I get in system - bam interdicted by some space noob.  Dude does my paint job or lack there of tell you nothing?  I'm going to out fly you son, in supercruise or real space.  Whatever, the inevitable delay of douchebaggary.  I'm just glad to be back.  Time to see the doc and get my boat re-squared away.

Gutayama Mike-Alpha-Yankee-Heavy you are cleared for landing pad 03.  Sweeter words have never been spoken.

91.5 milly from 719 total discoveries mostly jonking.  Can't beat that with a stick and five friends.  Not to mention with a bit of scratch thrown at the shipyard my power plant is running at a hundy.  Was it worth it?  Hell yes.

Off to see the doc.  While I'm gone some mercenaries are going to sweep and clear the Cutter.  Heavy tip equals extra effort in my experience both with medical staff and operators.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Not looking forward to the 506 jumps to get to Waypoint 4, but I've got nearly two weeks to knock it out. Who knows, might even make it with time to spare.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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