Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 34

31 Oct 2019Flemish Jack
14:02:58 10-31-05

First off, Happy Halloween Commanders!  While in station bored off my tail awaiting test results from the Doc I did a little decorating of the cockpit.  Behold.

What can I say there was a sale at the gift shop.  Shiny.

Test results came back negative for anything new.  The parasitic issue is still there; reduced bone density and mild radiation exposure to be expected, but no changes since last set of scans so I'm guessing that isn't the problem.  So mostly clean bill of health.  Toxicology came up neg too - so apparently I either wasn't drugged or whatever it was metabolized completely prior to making it to Farsight.  

This is good news, right?  Not completely.  If I'm not sick or crazy than something else is going on.  I have no idea what.  The security team swept the ship thoroughly and found no evidence of an interloper.  Cost me a pretty penny and they came up empty.  Yeah the Cutter is a big boat, but a dozen guys and gals with scanners conducted 2 detailed sweeps and nada.  If I'm medically sound and there's no one else aboard ship what in the name of all that is holy is going on?  Where did those 3 days go?

This is my last rendezvous with a station for at least a month.  Whatever or whoever it is will come out in the wash before Colonia is my guess.  I reckon I'll just keep the trusty sidearm close at hand - you know for safety's sake.  Not that it's done any good up to this point, but it makes me feel better.

506 jumps to Waypoint #4.  There is a very slim, but non-zero chance I'll make to the Base Camp before the Fleet Jump hooty-hoo.  I logged 9.8k light years in a single shift to get back to Farsight and it goes without saying space fans, Uncle Flemish ain't grinding like that again for real, real long time.

Until next time.  Fly safe commanders.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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