Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 37

04 Nov 2019Flemish Jack
02:15:52 11-03-05

Swearing off mind numbing insane jogs through space over 9 000 light years in a single shift sounded like a good idea until about 5 jumps outside of Farsight.

So there I was....

Plotted my course to Waypoint #4 and after taking a little gander realized I was not only crossing the Formidine Rift yet again, but crossing it in the longest possible way.  Spiffy.  So I decided to just get it done.  I've been awake for 4 days...I think.  Running on nothing but Cat Crap CoffeeTM and various stimulants (legal and otherwise).  Needless to say I'm exhausted and so is the Barcelo Imperial.  She's definitely seen better days, but she's just starting to hit her stride.

While crossing the Rift I received some message traffic from a former employer and will not be at Base Camp on jump day for Waypoint #4 as I'll be 3.5hrs out elsewhere doing other things.  More than 200 jumps into the run to Waypoint #4 I decided to hit 4 and run straight to 5.  It's closer to where I need to be anyway.  Glutton for punishment much?  To put it into perspective here's a shot from my route planning software.

Way up in the upper right is Farsight Expeditionary Base (October 31) the little yellow dot in the lower left is my current location (midway to Waypoint #5) as of this entry (November 03).  For the record that's 636 jumps 26 175.5 ly in roughly 4 days.  I broke my personal record yesterday running 12 148.6 ly in a single stretch.  Up to that point my PR was the run back to Farsight from Waypoint #3 at 9 807 ly.    Seriously, I have a problem.

Needless to say there hasn't been much to tell.  Hence a few days since last reporting.  I mean that's mostly true in that I was unable to actually find Balla Beag (Little Wall) on orbital body 4a.  I poked around several craters and then remembered I had places to be.

I'm going to make a few more jumps for principle and curl up in one of my new Cargobay SweatersTM  If I take one more stim I'll probably stroke out.  So better safe than sorry.

Gear down on an icy rock where the cozy sweater will do some good.

Fly safe commanders.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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