Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 38

04 Nov 2019Flemish Jack
20:04:36 11-04-05

HAHA!  YEAH!  I'm not insane!  I new it, but nobody would listen.  It's always the crazy ones that say they aren't.  I get that.  This is good news, really good news.

So there I was....

Hit my rack last night as I said after being up for several days.  Didn't take long to pass out.  So I wake up several hours later, not nearly as long as I would have thought, and check on Mr. Jumbles.  

Who's Mr. Jumbles you ask?  Well he would be the hidden security camera in the form of a cheap carnival teddy bear I bought at a less than reputable tweaker's shop at Farsight.  I didn't want to waste a whole lot of scratch on a hunch.  You see, Mr. Jumbles comes equipped with a motion activated surveillance camera concealed in his left eyeball.  I didn't say anything last night just in case someone was listening in.  Remember you're only paranoid if they're not out to get you.  Not only am I not crazy I am in fact also not paranoid.  This is the first time I've gotten to use him for his intended purpose so needless to say I was bit excited to review the footage.  After several images of me flopping around what to my wondering eye should appear?  Why a female hitchhiker without any fear.  There's also an image of me getting stabbed with a syringe.  I'm not attaching the images here for vanity reasons, you'll just have to trust me.

She, I can now refer to it as she, came out of the maintenance trunk in my stateroom and returned the same way.  An added bonus of the umpteen stims I was running under seemed to counteract whatever knock-out juice she hit me with, else I suppose I would have lost more time.  Digging through the closed circuit turned up nothing.  Whatever she knocked me out for I assume she has already done.  I needed a plan.  How do you get someone out of a hidey hole on a ship when they don't want to?  I climbed back into the pilot's seat and carried on towards Waypoint #5.  Then it hit me, the answer came when I (I guess "we" now technically) popped into a system with a lone neutron star.  Yep, you guessed it, I may have hung out in the plume for a bit longer than required.  Alarms blaring, ship vibrating itself loose, and the tell tale bright blue light of the much dreaded yet beloved neutron star.  Saw her pop her head out of an escape scuttle in an aft utility compartment via the closed circuit and vented the space.  Suck it @$$face!  Added bonus I (we) jumped 174 ly in a single charge.  Nice.

Chill out, I re-pressurized the compartment once I was sure she was unconscious.  She is now unceremoniously secured to one of the racks in the med bay with the mother of all headaches.  She's only given me bits and pieces after a few hours of questioning, but her story is starting to come together.

Allow me to introduce Elandra "Rose" Todd.  The picture above is one I found cruising the GalNet attempting to verify some of what she's told me thus far.  She won't tell me why she goes by Rose, but whatever.  Her friends call her that.  I'm not one so we'll call her Ms. Todd and/or @$$face for now.  It appears she is a former Marine dropship jock, after the Corps she got a job driving Cutters, which explains her intimacy with this boat enabling her to hide from me and a very expensive security team.  Turns out she disembarked just before they fired up their scanners.  Explains that.  Other than that so far, all she'll tell me is that she's looking for her brother.

Hey lady, you'll come clean eventually.  Out here all we've got is time.  Hope  you enjoy luxurious captivity.  Maybe if you're nice I'll let you have some coffee.

Damn near made it to the waypoint.  Think I'll hang out for a bit and see if I can't get more of the story.  If not maybe I'll just vent her into the black.  We'll see.

Until next time commanders.  Fly safe, in your own ship.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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