Logbook entry

Pegasus Run 3305 - Day 42

12 Nov 2019Flemish Jack
21:43:07 11-09-05

After a long flight we’ve made it to Colonia.  If the route from the bubble to Colonia is the Neutron Highway at best the route from Thraikio IK-A d9 (a.k.a. Waypoint #5) to Colonia is a Neutron Backroad.  Just enough Neutron stars to frustrate, that is until you get about 4.5k outside of Colonia and then you find them every few systems.

After traveling 45,593.3 light years from Farsight Expeditionary Base, the Barcelo Imperial was desperately in need of refit and repair.  Ship’s integrity 0% cost more than 2 million credits to get her right.

I handed the helm over to Ms. Todd after initiating short final with Jacques Station to see if she really was as good as her stories suggested.  She didn’t drag the belly on the mail slot, so she’s better than me – at least at docking this pig.

After selling the cartographic data to station management her cut was just over 4 million.  While we waited on word from Ms. Todd’s broker contact we discussed what she’d do to earn that payout.  Docking the Cutter wasn’t going to get it.  A short conversation later, we decided on engineering the FSD to extend her legs.  We did a little research and put together a shopping list of sorts.

First on the list was a combat frame, briefly toyed with the idea of a Fer-de-Lance, even took one out for a test drive, but frankly the FDL isn’t my style.  Went with a Krait Mk II – a ship I have some familiarity with in combat.  After purchase, outfitting and combat upgrades we’re out a significant chunk of the profit made upon arrival, but should be able to get most of that back when we sell it before we leave for good.  Todd is definitely going to earn her pay on this one as our list includes Chemical Distilleries and Manipulators which can only be salvaged from combat wreckage if you don’t have enough components to trade for them, which we don’t.  We’re going to find out real quick if she’s any good in a scrape.  Outfitted the Krait with a half dozen F63 Condors, should be effective enough with plenty of spares when it gets hairy.

We’ll get at it fresh tomorrow.  

Until then, see you in the black.

Flemish Jack - OUT
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